Öffentliche Ausschreibung
Contracting of marketing and press services in Finland
Gegenstand der Ausschreibung
The media and press agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) will carry out the following activities within the Finnish market on behalf of Destination Germany. It is a requirement that the Agencys head office be located in Finland. The Agency is tasked with implementing the customers central strategy for the marketing of Destination Germany while taking into account market-specific factors. The Agencys focus will be on consumer advertising and press services aimed at positioning key themes of Germany within the market. A main focus of the consumer-oriented strategy is the positioning of the market-specific customer website. The customer will contract out marketing and press services in Finland in two modules as lots.
Art des Auftrags
Lieferauftrag & Dienstleistung
Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):
Die Ausschreibung ist bereits beendet, weil die Angebotsfrist abgelaufen ist.
Eine Bewerbung um diesen Auftrag ist nicht mehr möglich.
60325 Frankfurt-on-MainKontaktdaten des Auftraggebers
FreischaltenAngebotsfrist: 24.11.2016
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