Details zur Ausschreibung 127310

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Development of digital personas for WHH to support a data driven approach to (potential) donors

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

At WHH we aim to have a deep understanding of our target groups (current, past and potential new donors). Personalizing our marketing and communication efforts such as donor journeys, mailings and other fundraising activities to the donor’s needs is crucial to maximize funding. For a truly donor-centric approach we not only want to get a clear picture of our existing donor base but also want to unlock new donors and fundraising potentials. To achieve this, WHH wants to use the benefits of digital personas as a data driven way to gain insights into our target groups. We want to avoid stereotypes as much as possible. Instead, the goal is a data driven, realistic and unbiased view at who our current, past and potential new donors are and how we can reach them with our communication and fundraising activities in the most efficient and effective way. We see a lot of potential in the meta data outside of WHH (especially combined with the insights we already have). Additional insights on how to improve our marketing and communication activities to incorporate these personas into our work are very important. Since many different stakeholders at WHH are going to incorporate these personas into their work, they should be easy to understand, easily accessible and transferable into different channels, tools and communication strategies.

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):



53173 Bonn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 17.03.2025
Angebotsfrist: 04.04.2025

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