Öffentliche Ausschreibung
Decarbonization and Digitization of Power Distribution Networks
Gegenstand der Ausschreibung
The Network Integration Capacities is the main objective of the assignment. With that the project focuses on developing the capacity of transmission and distribution companies for integrating vRE into the grid. The aim here is both to develop the capacity of the experts and to equip the companies with the necessary digital tools. In this context, the project aims to develop a methodology for RE forecasts as a key element in operational grid operation planning to be able to forecast the availability of wind and solar energy and to organise grid operations accordingly. The consultancy offers specialist expertise for grid integration analyses to assess aspects such as Distributed Energy Resources, Regulatory Framwork and Code Adaptation for RE Integration,planning processes of networks with high penetration of Distributed Energy Resources, Impact assessment of Distributed Energy Plants and Operational and Regulatory Code Compliance aspects for DISCOs with grid-connected Distributed Energy Resources. The consultancy coaches the NTDC experts throughout the entire process, culminating in a holistic technical plan for RE integration. The project aims to train a total of 30 experts (of whom 6 are women) from NTDC and DISCOs, with a high level of participation by female experts at the training sessions. 10 experts, of whom 3 are women, will be trained as trainers in order to transfer knowledge throughout Pakistan"s DISCOs.
Art des Auftrags
Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):
65760 EschbornKontaktdaten des Auftraggebers
FreischaltenAngebotsfrist: 03.04.2025
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