Öffentliche Ausschreibung
Provision requirements of Stage 1 Audit of ISO 27001 certification in Jordan's water sector
Gegenstand der Ausschreibung
The Water Sector Governance Project (WSG) addresses the pressing challenges faced by Jordan's water sector, including resource scarcity, increasing demand, and aging infrastructure. These challenges hinder the ability of water-sector institutions to optimize resource allocation and maintain consistent service delivery. To tackle these issues, the WSG promotes the principles of good governance, fostering trust in the management of water resources while developing innovative and sustainable strategies for long-term resource management. The project supports Jordan's water-sector institutions in enhancing inter- agency collaboration, informed decision-making, and efficient resource allocation. By integrating principles of good governance, the initiative contributes to building a resilient and sustainable water sector, securing the well-being of current and future generations.
Art des Auftrags
Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):
65760 EschbornKontaktdaten des Auftraggebers
FreischaltenAngebotsfrist: 01.04.2025
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