Details zur Ausschreibung 125064

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Building of an innovative development environment and capacity building for the digitalisation of public services

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

The "Beninnovation" project enhances cooperation between public administration and local private companies in the field of digital transformation in the public sector, especially as regards the digitalisation of public services. So far, the main achievements in the digitalisation of public services in Benin have been realised by the Agency for Information and Digital Systems (ASIN) with the help of Estonia"s E-Governance Academy and advisory services provided by Cybernetica (an Estonian ICT company). As a result, several e-services are available to the citizens. However, as the Government"s objective is to digitalise all administrative services (referred to "industrialization of e-services"), this exceeds by far ASIN"s capacities. Consequently, the private sector is needed to fill the gap. As of today, only a few local companies seem to have the necessary skills and expertise to effectively contribute to the digitalisation of public services. Several additional companies are working in similar fields (finance sector) or show interest to enter this potential market. The Beninnovation project is building the capacities of two stakeholder groups: first, civil servants and sector experts working in the Directorates for Information Systems (DSI) at different ministries and government agencies overseeing the digitalization of their own institutions. Second, technical staff and managers of local private service providers who are willing to contribute to an innovative and inclusive digital transformation of the Beninese public administration, especially as regards administrative services. To support this vision, the development kit (DevKit), also known as "PNS DevKit", constitutes the current architecture of the e-services development environment in Benin. It was designed to enable ASIN (Agence des Systèmes d'Information du Bénin) and local service providers to develop e-services, particularly for sectoral ministries, according to needs and priorities. The call for tenders aims to develop a new, high-performance development environment using a modern Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) architecture, further advancing the digitalisation of public services, and strengthening Benin's position as a regional leader in digital innovation. Some of the core tasks of the contractor will be to: - Build a Development Environment suitable to both experienced developers and non-technical users to facilitate creation of digital public services and accelerate the pace of innovation. - Ensure full-service interoperability with existing systems to facilitate secured exchange of data between. - Improve scalability and resource management with Docker and Kubernetes will ensure efficient resource management and automatic scalability of e-services. - Strengthen Security and Control Access by integrating in the architecture the management user identities, control access to resources, and ensure data privacy. - Supporting Benin's digital transformation goals by creating a solid foundation for the development and maintenance of digital public services. 470 expert days in total.

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


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65760 Eschborn

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Eintragsdatum: 20.12.2024
Angebotsfrist: 20.01.2025

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