Details zur Ausschreibung 124934

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Consultancy support for the implementation of a cost sharing tool

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

The client is implementing a cost-sharing initiative within the Capacity Calculation Region (CCR) Core, involving 16 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) across 13 European countries. This initiative is a vital element of the cross-border redispatching and countertrading coordination mechanism established under the Regional Operational Security Coordination (ROSC) framework. With an annual transaction volume of over 5 billion euros, the Redispatch and Counter Trading Cost-Sharing (RDCT CS) process is essential for the equitable distribution of regional congestion management costs among participating stakeholders. The RDCT CS process comprises two main components: Central Segment: A collaboratively designed, unified process involving all Core TSOs, Regional Coordination Centers (RCCs), and central tool vendors. Distributed Segment: Managed independently by each TSO, focusing on local implementation and operational management. In 2023, the client launched a Europe-wide tender for the development and deployment of a local Cost Sharing Validation (CSV) Tool, awarding the contract to a consortium of bidders. Since September 2024, joint the client and vendor teams have been working on the CSV Tool, prioritizing the development of validation, monitoring, and assessment capabilities for cost-sharing. Although the original project schedule aimed for completion by June 2025, dependencies on the central ROSC and CS implementation project, as well as delays in key milestones, have led to an extended timeline. To support the project’s success, the client is reinforcing its project team to ensure the CSV Tool meets high standards of expertise, scope, schedule, and budget. This expanded team aims to enhance stability and continuity across the project’s lifecycle.

Please refer to the attached documents for further information and for the preparation of your offer: "00 General notes tender CSV tool consultancy support_final.pdf": Information about the tendering process and the awarding criteria. Please read carefully. "01 ProjDesc_Roles CSV tool consultancy support_final.pdf": Overview about the project itself and the roles to be filled. Please use these decriptions to determine the consultant profiles you intend to offer. "03_DetailedEvaluation. xlsx": Evaluation and awarding matrix, for your information "04_INFORMATION ONLY_CSV- Tool_Scope.pdf": This document is for your information only and not part of the tendering documents. It contains the original project description and scope of the CSV tool tender and is intended to give you a better understanding of the tool itself and our requirements.

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):



95448 Bayreuth

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 18.12.2024
Angebotsfrist: 31.01.2025

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