Öffentliche Ausschreibung
Short-term expert pool for Public IT Consulting
Gegenstand der Ausschreibung
The client Senegal strives to be a pioneer in propelling sustainable development priorities through technological advancements that the digital transformation provides. To operationalise this vision, the client Senegal intends to systematically digitalise its portfolio by using digital solutions and approaches targeting the macro, meso and micro level. The client Senegal"s digital portfolio currently has many implementing partners of which the Senegalese "Ministère de la Communication, des Télécommunications et du Numérique" (MCTN) and the Senegalese national company Sénégal Numérique S.A. (SENUM) are the most prominent governmental partners. The demand of the projects pertains to support in analyzing, conceptualizing, facilitating and managing activities related to the digital transformation of Senegal.
While the client has technical sector and development policy expertise, additional digital implementation capacities are needed to guarantee the success of the projects. This assignment is aimed at meeting this demand from the projects implemented by the client in Senegal. The project aims to strengthen public institutions for the promotion of a sustainable digital transformation in Senegal through three outputs, two of which are managed by the client and one is managed by Expertise France.
Some of the planned advisory activities and services in the area of digitalisation in Senegal to be provided by the contractor are:
- Advice regarding the planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation of national digital strategies, policies and legal frameworks (including inclusive and green approaches and an "enterprise architecture for government")
- Consultancy in the area of digital administrative services to improve access to online public services).
- Advice on the development of training programmes on digital skills and the use of ICT (e.g. e-learning content creation and Training of Trainers (ToT) concepts for e-learning content creation)
- Development of online training programmes
- Specialist and process consulting for the introduction of new digital tools
- Conceptualisation and implementation of training programmes on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to increase turnover for small and medium sized enterprises
- Advice on (the further development of) digital monitoring tools (e.g. conflict monitoring tools)
- Advice for the introduction of electronic transparency systems (e.g. tracking court proceedings, reporting human rights violations)
Art des Auftrags
Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):
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65760 EschbornKontaktdaten des Auftraggebers
FreischaltenAngebotsfrist: 12.12.2024
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