Details zur Ausschreibung 121483

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

CA4 Digital Transformation of the Public Investment Management (PIM)

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and the European Union, the project "Support to the reform of public finances to achieve the SDGs and mobilize public revenues (ReFORME)" aims to implement budget cycles at national and communal levels in line with the principles of good financial governance. The Technical Cooperation project pursues a multi-level approach. Ministries will be strengthened in macroeconomic and budget planning, and in domestic revenue mobilization, to execute their budgets transparently and plan their public investment projects in line with the rules of the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the Agenda 2030. Up to 12 municipalities receive advice on how to plan and execute their budgets transparently, increase their revenues and use them to meet the needs of the population and the private sector. This contract relates to one of several Action Areas of the ReFORME project: Action Area 4 "Public Investment". The objective of the project in this Action Area is to improve the quality of public investment on national and local level regarding the SDG. The remaining Action Areas of the project focus on budget management, revenue mobilization and transparency and accountability. The contractor will support the Directorate General of Budget (Direction Générale du Budget) of the Ministry of the Economy and of Finance as well as the Directorate General of Development Policies (Direction Générale des Politiques de Développement) of the Ministry of Development and the Coordination of Government Action in enhancing the digital transformation of the public investment management system and building the capacity of its users in areas related to public investment, such as effective and standardized planification of investment projects, publication of evaluation reports, allocation and monitoring of projects with a climate change-sensitive perspective, pursue the digital transformation of existing systems, ensure interoperability along the public investment project maturation chain, implement, test and improve a digital solution, train the executives and measure how the digital solution implemented impacts effectively the public investment management according to international assessment method (PIMA).

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):



65760 Eschborn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 27.09.2024
Angebotsfrist: 29.10.2024

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