Details zur Ausschreibung 120356

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

OpenIMIS Sandboxing Setup

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

The client seeks a contractor to refine the already existing System Requirement Specifications as well as a dummy demo version in close collaboration with the
key stakeholders (EAC, CAs and professional engineers as primary users), and finally, based upon these, develop and implement an interoperability layer (baseline centralised platform pilot) with fully functional user accounts, interfaces, and an implemented end-to-end process via an API layer for piloting CAs. The pilot's scope includes:

i. Cascading accounts (Parent ID (UID), and Child ID 1/2/3...)

ii. API structure set up as a baseline upon which the solution can be further developed and more CAs can be integrated, demonstrating its benefits to all user groups in the short term

iii. Data structure (for application filed by professional engineer) is available where any new CA can integrate with easily in the future

iv. Implementation of end-to-end-process from registration and login, application filing & submission, verification, validation and the download of reports via EAC API layer

v. Communication CA-CA and CA-Applicant and CA- EAC

vi. Development of EAC template certificate with QR code implementation

vii. One Platform for verification for countries as well

The system needs to be scalable so that further functionalities, CAs, and whole new stakeholders can be added in the future.

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


Die Ausschreibung ist bereits beendet, weil die Angebotsfrist abgelaufen ist.
Eine Bewerbung um diesen Auftrag ist nicht mehr möglich.


65760 Eschborn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 30.08.2024
Angebotsfrist: 26.09.2024

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