Details zur Ausschreibung 119292

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Rebuilt the KCOA Hub Platform

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

The contractor will be responsible for the technical development and implementation of the new KCOA Hub. They will first assess the existing framework used (Laravel) and propose an alternative that better matches the new partners" requirements. To ensure alignment between the Hub and the Portal, the contractor will also review the content management system (CMS) currently used to develop the Portal (WordPress). They will recommend changes to the Portal's CMS so that it integrates seamlessly with the new Hub. As an optional task, the contractor may need to completely rebuild the Portal if the existing setup cannot be adequately integrated with the new Hub requirements.
The contractor will also advise KCOA and its partner organisations on improving the user-friendliness and the design of the Hub Platform. This includes a focus
on developing a working interface to the Portal. Upon completion of the new Hub platform deployment, the contractor will be in charge for maintaining and enhancing the platform.

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


Die Ausschreibung ist bereits beendet, weil die Angebotsfrist abgelaufen ist.
Eine Bewerbung um diesen Auftrag ist nicht mehr möglich.


65760 Eschborn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 05.08.2024
Angebotsfrist: 02.09.2024

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